Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Only Constant is Change

In any enlightened society, the collapse of Woolworths and MFI would be greeted by cheers and celebrations. The death of two stores that have dominated our culture and our shopping habits for years can only mean one thing – the chance for progress.

It’s nothing to do with the death of High Street shopping – there are plenty of shops on High Streets that are doing well, and it’s nothing to do with the collapse of the housing market either. Everyone heard of IKEA? The failure of both of these two icons is entirely in tune with the natural order of life – change or die.

How did mankind achieve its current level of sophistication? By allowing old habits and patterns to die and be replaced by something new. How will the survival of the species be secured? By doing exactly the same.

It is a sad reflection on our media today when the reported story spends so much time looking back to the halcyon days of 7” singles and pick ‘n’ mix. Surely instant access to cheap music, when you want it, via technology such as iTunes, is progress? Listening to some people, you wouldn’t think so.

Change is painful, but always more painful when it is resisted. Change is a two part process, death followed by re-birth. Many people are going to lose their jobs during these changing times. That’s going to be hard, but how many employees of Woolies or MFI can really say their job is the fulfilment of their lifes ambition? The collapse of these two companies gives those people a chance to slowly move themselves onto a more fulfilling and rewarding path, which will include recognising that until you work for yourself you will always be at the mercy of unscrupulous / uncaring / incompetent employers (delete as applicable).

Welcome death, for as the ground is cleared, so new life can spring forth.

Searching for an easier way is understandable, but futile.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Planet Earth 2025

Futurology is normally a load of old rubbish - the authors arrogance and inability to stand aside from their own set of values often means the predictions come to nothing. Whatever came of those inventions foretold in Tomorrows World? And what about the paperless office? To say nothing of the shamefully low hit rates of The Economist World In series and Old Moores Alamanac!

However, the latest official briefings for President Obama are extremely interesting and show significant signs of reality creeping in to the process. Its conclusions are many, but include:

  • A demonstrable link between terrorism, religious fundamentalism and a dominance in the host population of males under 30. It foretells that as a population ages so it turns away from these horrors. Good news.
  • An acceptance that an enhanced role of women across the globe is likely to result in less military spending, more concern for social and environmental issues and more openness to new ideas (where the solutions to global problems will of course be found)

It's almost as if i wrote it myself?

But all this begs the question - when can start to create the future we each need, and not be locked into someone elses agenda?

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

President Obama - America exorcises its ghost

Watching the US TV stations desperately paddling about to fill time until they have enough results in to 'call it.' I'll call it - President Obama.
But is that a good thing?
Racial barriers blasted away = good
Neo-con crazies and Bush and Co given a resounding kick = good
Media propaganda = bad, boding particularly ill for the future.
Big government obsessives in the ascendancy = bad

A black President is progress, no question. But now race is off the table once and for all, because President Obama is going to prove that the colour of your skin makes no difference. You can be a good President or a lame President, irrelevant of the colour of your skin. And once people realise that, President Obama had better watch out, because the same people that promoted him, will then be after him.

Real change - such an overused word now - will only come from the empowerment of women and the distribution of power between the sexes, equally. But i don;t think it'll be President Palin either in 2012. The media have gone to town on her and i doubt she'll ever recover.

Next please...