Thursday, January 29, 2009

Credit crunch = consciousness expansion !!

I'll say it, seeing as no-one else will.
The credit crunch and financial crisis is a good thing.
It's a long overdue and welcome dose of reality.
Tony Blair said on CNBC in January 2009 (can't find the video, sorry) that the events of the last few years had been a 'classic asset price bubble'. Shame he did not feel moved to do anything about it when he could. Sure, it's going to hurt, and I might well not be immune, but life does not revolve around who has the largest and latest flat screen TV, and neither should it.

So, I've been hunting for signs of life among the wreckage, and believe it or not there are two, just today!

The 'masters of the universe' at the Davos World Economic Forum got a slice of alternative thinking when they were asked to all sing Happy Birthday, not in the usual routine that the whole world knows, but exactly how they as individuals wished to sing it, all at the same time. Progress at last! The crisis will only be solved by individual bright ideas, against the trend and not conforming to the mainstream. Listen to the transformative shambles here.

Secondly, we all like a promise - even if we get let down, so here's a great one - Broadband in all UK homes by 2012. Doubtless the government will renege, backslide, pretend they never meant all homes, or try to reorder the calendar so 2012 never comes, but the announcement at least shows that they are beginning to see the positive impact that empowered people with information can have. They'll try to censor the content of course, but one thing at a time...

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