Thursday, April 16, 2009

Which Way the Future?

Once upon a time, if you wanted to make a difference then you joined the Labour Party. They were the progressive ones, the forward looking, the fresh, the young, the revolutionaries, and the compassionate.
In as much as that was ever true, events of recent days highlight how useless the Labour Party now is.

But the news has wider ramifications, which reach into the world of holism and healing.

What was the leading Mind Body Spirit publishers Hay House thinking when they signed Labour spin doctor Derek Draper up for his new book Life Support?

Was the Mind Body Spirit Festival in London equally deluded when they agreed to promote him as one of their speakers?

Or did they all just lose sight of what it means to be progressive, revolutionary and compassionate in 2009?

The Labour Party is rotting away before our very eyes because people no longer want to be lumped together as an ‘underprivileged class’ or ‘disadvantaged group’. This approach never works because everyone has a talent. It’s just a question of finding what it is, and then encouraging its development and expression, and this is something which many long years of Labour Government has failed to do.

Potential Labour supporters have access to the internet, the most powerful tool for communication and education the world has ever seen, and all the Labour Government wants to do is regulate it and censor it.

The Labour Party is staring into the oblivion of history. The good it once did belongs in that same history, and the country will be all the better for it.

If you want to make a difference, the Modern Labour Party is no place for you.

If you want to make a difference you just need to be yourself, free from dogma and belief.

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