Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Further Steps Toward the Light

A breakthrough has at last been made in my work on the updated edition of Steps Toward the Light. Entitled 'Further Steps Toward the Light', the journey continues, yielding fresh realisation about the nature of reality and our inter-relationship with it. It would appear that as we advance, far from the road becoming easier, it becomes more difficult to traverse and sometimes much harder to see. But nonetheless we proceed, for the alternative is far worse. We only have to look around us for evidence of that.
The work will expand on the themes contained within Book One, specifically the objective existence of the Inner World and our subjective view of it. Greater emphasis will be given to colour and detail, as if I can now see them, where before I could not. The work will explore new reaches of the Inner World and is intended to be offered up, as before, unexpurgated and as unfiltered as a human mind can, at this stage, allow.

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