Thursday, December 04, 2008

Change? What do you mean by that?

'Incoming Administration breaks promises in sign of things to come' shock scandal

Can we really be that surprised?

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Conformity ultimately leads to Death

Watching the continuing 'Police enter Parliament without a warrant' saga unfold i am struck that this was always going to be so.
Parliament is criticised for being a 'talking shop' when quite the opposite is true. For countless years now MP's have abdicated their responsibilities and failed to expose government lies, half truths and evasions. They have been unwilling to think originally about anything and increasing rely on 'evidence' from outside bodies which they simply rubber stamp. The evidence comes of course from vested interests who are unable to do what Parliament is meant to do - view things in the round.
Parliament has been failed by its Members. It should never have come to this, so why did it and what can be done to remedy it? The easy answer is to blame New Labour - and they have much to answer for, but the problems are deeper.
The farcical ceremony of today's Queens Speech does very little to set the tone of Parliament as a place of radical thinking, drawing, as it does, on tradition, order and conformity. New arrivals are absolutely overawed by its size and ever present display of history. What would Winston Churchill possibly have to offer the world in 2008? Nothing. So why does his statue dominate the entrance to the Commons chamber? The Commons begins every day with prayers and debate is rigidly controlled by an array of men in suits, men in wigs and men in tights. And we all know what these uniforms promote - conformity, don't rock the boat or challenge the system. The operations and procedures of Parliament are so archaic and so far removed from the reality of everyday life that it is little wonder that the laws that emanate from there effect little practical improvement in our lives.
It is time for Parliament to be moved into the 21st century. The events of recent days are only the beginning of the upheaval that old establishment is going to have to undergo if any semblance of democracy is to survive in the UK. The institution is severely crippled, and without radical surgery will surely die, to be replaced with government by decree. And if you think life's bad now...

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Who Writes This Stuff?

A woman, apparently, according to GenderAnalyzer.
Wrong again!

The Establishment Comes To The Rescue?

Tomorrow's State of Opening of Parliament takes place after the arrest of an MP by the police, and the searching of his office in the Palace of Westminster.

Let's be clear, politicians of all colours have been shown wanting, but the associated men in tights, horse drawn carriages and priceless jewels on display tomorrow will do little to resolve the underlying problem.

Our elected representatives believe that money, status and possessions are the key to happiness. They see no value in the uniqueness of the individual. They construct procedures that measure and control more and more aspects of human behaviour, and then they act surprised when the systems fail and a baby is murdered or the police state moves one step nearer.

Until the value of human capital is recognised, above procedure and protocol, the state of the nation will continue to worsen. And whether you are a Roundhead or a Cavalier is besides the point.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Only Constant is Change

In any enlightened society, the collapse of Woolworths and MFI would be greeted by cheers and celebrations. The death of two stores that have dominated our culture and our shopping habits for years can only mean one thing – the chance for progress.

It’s nothing to do with the death of High Street shopping – there are plenty of shops on High Streets that are doing well, and it’s nothing to do with the collapse of the housing market either. Everyone heard of IKEA? The failure of both of these two icons is entirely in tune with the natural order of life – change or die.

How did mankind achieve its current level of sophistication? By allowing old habits and patterns to die and be replaced by something new. How will the survival of the species be secured? By doing exactly the same.

It is a sad reflection on our media today when the reported story spends so much time looking back to the halcyon days of 7” singles and pick ‘n’ mix. Surely instant access to cheap music, when you want it, via technology such as iTunes, is progress? Listening to some people, you wouldn’t think so.

Change is painful, but always more painful when it is resisted. Change is a two part process, death followed by re-birth. Many people are going to lose their jobs during these changing times. That’s going to be hard, but how many employees of Woolies or MFI can really say their job is the fulfilment of their lifes ambition? The collapse of these two companies gives those people a chance to slowly move themselves onto a more fulfilling and rewarding path, which will include recognising that until you work for yourself you will always be at the mercy of unscrupulous / uncaring / incompetent employers (delete as applicable).

Welcome death, for as the ground is cleared, so new life can spring forth.

Searching for an easier way is understandable, but futile.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Planet Earth 2025

Futurology is normally a load of old rubbish - the authors arrogance and inability to stand aside from their own set of values often means the predictions come to nothing. Whatever came of those inventions foretold in Tomorrows World? And what about the paperless office? To say nothing of the shamefully low hit rates of The Economist World In series and Old Moores Alamanac!

However, the latest official briefings for President Obama are extremely interesting and show significant signs of reality creeping in to the process. Its conclusions are many, but include:

  • A demonstrable link between terrorism, religious fundamentalism and a dominance in the host population of males under 30. It foretells that as a population ages so it turns away from these horrors. Good news.
  • An acceptance that an enhanced role of women across the globe is likely to result in less military spending, more concern for social and environmental issues and more openness to new ideas (where the solutions to global problems will of course be found)

It's almost as if i wrote it myself?

But all this begs the question - when can start to create the future we each need, and not be locked into someone elses agenda?

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

President Obama - America exorcises its ghost

Watching the US TV stations desperately paddling about to fill time until they have enough results in to 'call it.' I'll call it - President Obama.
But is that a good thing?
Racial barriers blasted away = good
Neo-con crazies and Bush and Co given a resounding kick = good
Media propaganda = bad, boding particularly ill for the future.
Big government obsessives in the ascendancy = bad

A black President is progress, no question. But now race is off the table once and for all, because President Obama is going to prove that the colour of your skin makes no difference. You can be a good President or a lame President, irrelevant of the colour of your skin. And once people realise that, President Obama had better watch out, because the same people that promoted him, will then be after him.

Real change - such an overused word now - will only come from the empowerment of women and the distribution of power between the sexes, equally. But i don;t think it'll be President Palin either in 2012. The media have gone to town on her and i doubt she'll ever recover.

Next please...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Landshare - Channel 4 gimmick or something big?

I happened upon Hugh Fearnly-whatsisnames River Cottage Autumn and his piece about Landshare.
This is potentially profoundly significant.
The big lie over the last 300+ years has been Economics - the science of scarcity. It's a lie because there is no scarcity. There is abundance because there is enough of everything to go round provided it is distributed according to need, not greed.

Enclosure of common land began in the 14th century and was completed in the UK in 1903. This paradigm shift stripped the regular citizen of the ability to grow their own food unfettered and unharrassed by the system. Yes, ok, some people enclosed their own land, but bear with the principle.

Landshare is potentially another paradigm shift because it empowers the average citizen to take control of their food budget, their diet and therefore their health. If you live in a city you probably have little choice whether you buy the rotting flesh served up by our favourite supermarkets. Landshare gives you an option.

I will research it carefully, but it has enormous potential.
Perhaps the revolution will be televised after all?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Palin Derangement Syndrome

Imagine if this image were replaced by one of Obama.
The cries of 'racism' and 'evil' would fill the airwaves.
But when a man in Los Angeles hangs an effigy of Sarah Palin outside his house there's no problem, read news report here.
If you want to know exactly what's wrong with our world you need look no further than the witch hunt currently being conducted against the Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin. For a collection of examples go here, and here.
Granted, her party's policies aren't much good, but neither are her opponents - both parties are lacking in new ideas, just wanting to pursue more of the same.
Also, her religion isn't much good either, but nor are any of her opponents, they all quote the priest and the scientist as and when it suits them.
But, politics is not about policies (yes you read it correctly) it's about character.
Sarah Palin's pitch is this:
Government does not know best. People know best and should be allowed to move their own lives forward. Ordinary people know more than they are given credit for. Top notch education and a lifetime in a political bubble does not automatically bestow great ability.
And for this she is being crucified by the Obamedia (Obama supporters in the media, how interesting, there is no Wikipedia definiton?!) who believe that government always knows best. The elite that will run government and do run media in the USA plan to create a bureaucracy in order to 'help people'. But the nature of a bureaucracy (as we should know in the UK) is that the help gets lost behind endless targets, reports, meetings and consultants, and all that happens is the redistribution of suffering.
It'll all end in tears. McCain wins and the media shouts 'cheat' encouraging further Palin Derangement Syndrome. Obama wins and wait for the backlash when folks realise that he is not what is seems. Either way, America is more divided now than at any time since the Civil War. And the media bear a large responsibility for that.
What's the real lesson?
A black man or a white man is still a man, and that equals no change.
Still, everyone has to learn.
I'll blog on cheerier subjects after November 4th.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

For A Better Way Vote.....

There's a new movement afoot, people are whispering a new name, there is hope....

Click to watch the latest news on this...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

USA 2008 - The Verdict - Part 2 - Obama Biden

Barack Hussein Obama II - born 4th August 1961
Key Numerology Energies 2, 3, 4, 6

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr - born 20th November 1942
Key Numerology Energies - 1, 2, 4, 8

I've been told to make my posts punchier, so hear this... Obama will be a disaster.
It matters not whether the man in the Oval Office is black or white, the point is that he is still a man and in this case a weak and indecisive one. He is The One alright, The One who will abdicate decision making and policy to those around him who are stronger than he is.

Haven't we had enough of bright, well turned out young men who speak well to the converted? It always ends in disaster, but with a compliant media the result is almost a foregone conclusion. Don't say we were not warned. The evidence of his future failure is all there. He has dodgy associations with urban crooks, has no practical knowledge and experience, has written more books than he has laws and inspires love and adoration amongst followers. Sound familiar? I ain't joking, the parallels are scary to 1920's Germany. But then again, when the people of the greatest country in the history of the earth decide they can't be bothered anymore, that's what you land up with.

Obama will surely win the Presidency (although maybe there will be legal challenges), for he is in a Personal Year 22 - the year of supreme effort and ultimate achievement. But his ascension to the throne will mark the end of America as a force in the world. The country is already riven with hatred and divided along every possible fissure you could imagine. He does not have the inner strength to heal the country, so he had better get studied in the business of 'Decline Management.' And the rest of us had better start learning Chinese.

But there is hope - his election might just be the opportunity for people to realise that whenever we place power and responsibility for our lives in the hands of men they always let us down. The sooner we stop pretending to be surprised about this, and instead make a REAL change, the better we will all be.

Monday, October 06, 2008

USA 2008 - The Verdict - Part 1 - McCain Palin

John Sidney McCain III - born 29/8/1936.
Key Numerology Energies 1, 2/11, 3, 4

Sarah Louise Heath Palin - born 11/2/1964.
Key Numerology Energies 1, 2/11, 4, 6

We are each the sum of our natural talents and abilities, fused with what we choose learn this time around. By nature, McCain is a hothead, impatient, sarcastic, stubborn and awkward. But he is also an old man who knows hardship. So, has he learned from his mistakes and from his experiences? If he has then his negatives become positives and he becomes a leader, an independent, determined, disciplined and occasionally inspirational, with an appetite for left-field play. Sound like him? In reality he is a mixture of both positive and negative, but the fact that he has survived this far suggests that his positive is just (only) outweighing his negative. He does have a dark side, but I think he knows that he does. And that's a big plus.

The interesting thing about the numerology of Sarah Palin is that it is almost identical to that of McCain. He picked a 'mini-me with lipstick!' But where Sarah Palin is family orientated, McCain is not. Palin is emotional and powerfully protective of home (the USA) and family (Average Joe). She has a dark side, and maybe she is not yet fully aware of it, but she soon will be. Her husband is her Achilles heel. His actions, in time, will come to haunt her. Remember that you heard it here first.

McCain is in a Personal Year 11. This exxagerates his strengths and compounds his weaknesses. Whatever happens he must 'press pause' when things get too much for him. This coming year will test his ability to control his dark side. If he can do that, he might just squeak home, but it'll be tough for him, he won't like it and it'll show.

Palin entered a Personal Year '5' in Feb 2008 - variety, travel, opportunities, and growth - and enters a '6' in Feb 2009. That means responsibility for others. Vice President of America would nicely fit her personal vibration, but unfortunately the Personal Year 6 is all too often associated with an increased importance in matters of home and family. I'd say she'll be going back to Alaska to try to return to normality. Doggone it!

I can't see how these two can possibly win now, barring a crisis or some unforeseen event. The American public have swallowed Obamania, but maybe once the country chokes, President Palin can pick up the pieces in 2012.

Why so nasty to the Dems?
Obama's Numerology shows us he ain't what he seems.
Stay tuned...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Palmistry - the proof

I find it laughable that science continues to scoff at all matters paranormal, yet produces research such as this. Any decent palmist will tell you that they have known about nail and finger shape and appearance, and what it means for the owner, for a very long time.
The fact that science now confirms it doesn't show us how great science it. Far from it. It shows us how behind science is and how it is as much a bar to progress as a gateway to it.

Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before...

The American Presidential Elections - 35 days and counting.
Historic elections, opportunity for renewal, best days ahead of us, evil Republicans, tax 'n' spend Democrats, economic crisis, hard working families, hard pressed families, average Americans, change, change for the best, change to win, change for a change, blah, blah, blah.
Check out this site - its astonishing how nothing has changed at all.
McGovern in 1972 was banging on about 'the people', Carter in 1976 was all about 'change', Reagan in 1980 was pushing the economy and the other guy not turning up at debates. Even Eisenhower in 1952 was talking about 'cleaning up Washington.'
Exactly the same themes as are being employed this time round.
But all that pales into insignificance against images of a fresh faced George W Bush! I was in the USA during the campaign in 2000 and it was inconceivable to me that he could ever win. And then he won twice! Do not put it past Americans to shock us again. It seems to me the country is gripped with fear and loathing, the product of decades of the same turkeys all dressed up in fresh wrappers every 4 years.
The last time a woman was on the ticket was 1984 and the site reminds us how much stick she got, just for being a woman. This time around the media attacks on Sarah Palin have bordered on hysterical. I always work on the assumption that if you're making people jealous and angry and resentful then you must be doing something right.
Perhaps the Democrats slogan should be 'Vote for change - then spend 4 years learning what the word really means.'

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

Crisis? Maybe.
Meltdown? Probably.
Doom? For some.
End of Capitalism? Don't bank on it.

The whole system of banking is inherently dodgy. The principle on which it operates, fractional reserve banking, means that there is never enough money to go round if everybody wants theirs at the same time.
The whole system of markets has its suspect moments as well, but the problem we face now stems from the explosion in the use of derivatives - i.e. the buying and selling of things that don't really exist for prices far in excess of any possible value. Derivatives trading is like playing pass the parcel. And now the music has stopped.
So should be have seen this coming?
Well we did..
The richest man in the world, Warren Buffett, foresaw all the problems way back in 2002, and stayed well clear. I suppose that's why he's the richest man in the world. He couldn't be clearer:

".. even experienced investors and analysts encounter major problems in analyzing the financial condition of firms that are heavily involved with derivatives contracts. When I finish reading the long footnotes detailing the derivatives activities of major banks, the only thing I understand is that I don’t understand how much risk the institution is running.
The derivatives genie is now well out of the bottle, and these instruments will almost certainly multiply in variety and number until some event makes their toxicity clear. Knowledge of how dangerous they are has already permeated the electricity and gas businesses, in which the eruption of major troubles caused the use of derivatives to diminish dramatically. Elsewhere, however, the derivatives business continues to expand unchecked. Central banks and governments have so far found no effective way to control, or even monitor, the risks posed by these contracts.
In our view, however, derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction, carrying dangers that, while now latent, are potentially lethal.

There are three things really going on here:
Wake up the people. It is still far preferable to own your own home, than to rent it privately or from the council. Not because it might or might not increase in value, but because if you own your own home you can do what you like within in, when you like. It is the individuals responsibility to take on debt they can afford, and if they can't afford it they pay the price. Blind belief in the ever spiralling price of your house, the ever cheaper cost of debt and the ever present obligation of someone else to sort out your mess should come to an end, and not a moment to soon. Capitalism is not a religion, although some worship it as such.
They hunt in packs. The goal of the men that run banks is to make money. The goal of the men that run hedge funds is to make money. The goal of the Treasury is to hang onto their money, the goal of the men in government is to post 'the 1000th consecutive quarter of economic growth.' No consideration of happiness, fulfillment or humanity, just money. But that's no different today than it was last week, last year, last decade - or next year.
The end of America. This is the real message of all this. In the land of the free, the government is going to end up owning the mortgages of half its citizens. Lenin would be laughing his head off. The trouble is America can't afford all this. The richest country that ever existed teeters on the brink of bankruptcy, its financial position shored up by the oil rich countries of the Middle East and China. Through the dubious instrument known as sovereign wealth funds, the Chinese government now owns the other half of US mortgages.
This is not the end of capitalism - but it is the end of freedom. The Chairman of Lloyds TSB said the chance to take over HBoS was the 'opportunity of a lifetime.' The propaganda machine makes it seems like he's doing us a favour, but actually he just sees how his enlarged company is going to clean up! This correction will concentrate power and wealth in the hands of the even fewer, who will then insist on regulation that stops this happening again, but also reinforces and entrenches their position.
Power, wealth and influence has drained away from America over the past decade. You may think that's a good thing, but consider the alternative. Capitalism is thriving in China, their people getting richer by the day, yet their people are not free, and they alone make the largest contribution to the destruction of the planet.
The sad fact is that none of this is any different today than it was yesterday, or last week, or even last year. Nothing has changed. It just continues to get worse.
What's the answer? I'm working on it...

Monday, September 08, 2008

The New Priesthood

Science. Witchcraft with clipboards.
Those were the words i heard at the weekend and they stayed with me, because this week the New Priesthood - scientists - are getting serious.
On Wednesday the Large Hadron Collider at CERN will be switched on in a attempt to recreate the conditions that existed at the very beginning of the universe, and to prove the existence or otherwise of God.
That's it then, hail science, the all conquering new religion. Full of certainty, full of predictability.
My arse.
The last time i had an argument about science versus mysticism i was confronted with the words ' I don't believe in psychics, i believe in science.' The person that said this failed to recognise the total contradiction of their own words.
Belief is the enemy here. Scientists have begun to believe their own hype and people just follow blindly the words 'proof' in the same way their ancestors followed the word 'holy'.
It'll all end in tears. But not this week. The experiment will prove nothing, and show nothing, but the ritual will be observed by many across the globe, including those who fear the results.
How is that anything other than a religion?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The World Just Became A Better Place

The number one enemy of life on earth is the 'Good Old Boy Network'. Groups of men with power and authority always abuse it. Forever it was so. The Good Old Boys manifest in various guises - African tribesmen who insist on female genital manipulation, Catholic paedophile priests, Russian Old Billionaires who put money before everything else, Taliban clerics who want to turn the world back to the Dark Ages, NHS administrators who are obsessed with targets at the expense of lives, drunk and corrupt Conservative politicians and incompetent and delusional Labour ones. All these groups and more have two things in common. First - they detest people who rock the boat and ask awkward questions. Second, they are all run by men.
But, now, finally, we have a chance to break free from this stranglehold.
The maverick, independent minded John McCain has picked the maverick reformer Sarah Palin as his running mate in the forthcoming US Presidential election. This is the change the country and the world needs.
The Democrats pretend that a young black man and an old white guy are the way forward.
Give me a break. Surely the world has had enough of fresh faced men that speak well to the converted. They always let us down. And it'll be the same this time round.
The voters of America have a clear choice and no excuses. If the world disappears in a puff of smoke during an Obama Presidency it'll be no consolation that a black man finally got to the highest office in the land.
At the first possible opportunity to demonstrate fresh thinking and new ideas, Obama bottled it and McCain embraced it. Obama is not the way forward and the world will live to regret it if he becomes President.
But, at least for today, Sarah Palin enables hope to triumph over fear.
We might just make it after all.
Welcome to the New Age!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

It Matters

The President of The United States matters. 8 years of George W Bush should have taught the world that much. Along with the President of the Peoples Republic China, the man that resides in the Oval Office has the power to directly and indirectly affect the material and physical existence of countless millions of souls.
So it matters that the front runner in the coming election, Barack Obama, has picked old white guy Senator Joe Biden (born 20th November 1942) as his choice for Vice President. It further matters that the Republican nominee is an even older white guy, who has yet to announce his choice for VP.
Barack Obama (born 4th August 1961) speaks a lot about change. But can a young black guy and and an old white man really make the world a better place? I will devote future posts to in depth numerology on all the key players, but suffice to say that the alternative, John McCain (born 29th August 1936) has the trump card in his hand, if he dare but play it. This very old white guy, Vietnam POW and maverick can walk into the Whitehouse next January and make the world a better place by choosing a woman as his VP. It's a real possibility, but there are really only two choices Sarah Palin, and Carly Fiorina (with a third outsider, Kay Bailey Hutchison).
But why am I bigging up the despised War Party? Simply because the best hope for change, Hillary Clinton, blew it. I never thought that America would have the stomach to elect her, but i stated repeatedly that she had great potential. But even i was amazed at the consistently negative message and self destructive tendencies that dominated during her campaign. In numerology, her date of birth, 26th October 1947, makes her strong in 3 and 8 energy. The positive traits of this are the ability to communicate, connect, inspire, lead, organise and direct. But man, did she go negative. She gave in to all her worst characteristics - she was pompous, sarcastic, domineering, hectoring, lecturing, self important and arrogant, plus the worst error of all - she came across as being unable to listen or to learn. There's no point being a woman if you're just going to act like a man. That's what finished her. The women that follow in her footsteps ought to take heed.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Anyone know a good electrician?

Some people will take this as vindication of NLP, that you can 'Achieve if you Believe' and that you can 'Re-create your life - right now, in 10 easy courses only £999!'

Oh dear.

The article is self explanatory - the shock and trauma that brought on these changes was so intense as to shatter completely the old pattern and force the brain to reconnect in a new way. The energy and effort required to achieve this rewiring cannot be got from a couple of mantras every second second morning for 10 minutes before breakfast.

In other words, there's no short cut to developing the powers of the mind - damn that pesky hard work again.

My friend Becky Walsh has an original take on how the brain is wired, here.

Competition and Achievement

I didn't have high hopes of enjoying the Olympics and I haven't been disappointed. The endless reminders of Team GB's ascent, the propaganda, and the hot air, all serve to remind me of the futility of identifying yourself with teams and nations. Our athletes always make 'valiant efforts' when they struggle in 23rd, and the nation always seems so much more at ease with itself when we are the top of the sporting tree. Does it?

The only form of endeavour worth a candle is personal endeavour. I will happily follow Paula Radcliffe to see if she can do better than she did last year, but i will equally do that with the Chinese weightlifter or with the American gymnast with the impossibly large thighs. Not because of their country, but because of their unique path and individual struggle.

I'd rather watch the X Factor and see reality (kind of) in all its glory. The supreme achievement
and transformation of people with talent from nothing into something and the cold realisations dished out by Cowell and co.

We know its commercialised hype, which is exactly what the Olympics is. But at least in the X Factor its the individual that is celebrated, not the illusion that is the nation state.

Those that worship the flag of the country in which they live are destined to be buried in it. The individual can fly without the aid of any pole.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Wrap Your Arms Around the World

Can somebody tell me how this improves the sum total of human wealth and happiness?
Don't get me wrong, i like new information and greater knowledge, but i wonder how much time, energy and money has been spent on this 'discovery', when all the time there are plenty of two legged people who could sure use some of it.
Anyway, some octopusses (octopi, octopodes?) have more than 8 - according to this strangeness.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

All Hail The New Religion! (Whatever the cost)

There's something strange going on in public life these days. Those that were meant to be on our side (the nice Labour government, doctors, scientists, researchers) come out with the most ridiculous drivel, while all those repressive institutions that were supposed to belong to the old order get it spot on. For a good example of this, get your head around Princes Charles' interview in the Daily Telegraph today.
The Monarchy is well past its sell by date, but when it takes the future King of England to state the bleeding obvious that GM foods are not the answer, then something has gone very wrong indeed.
I will not knowingly touch GM foods, I would rather starve. But the New Religion that calls itself 'Science' will have no truck with that. All tomatoes must look the same, taste the same and last for 4 weeks on the supermarket shelves, after being pulled from the vine way before they were ready.
When you turn the essentials of life over to the hands of business MEN and their apologists - scientists - you've got a crisis on your hands. And as the Prince says 'If that's the future, then count me out.' How serious this must be that I would even consider saying 'Long live the King!'

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Celeb Watch - Denise Van Outen

I listen to Capital Radio, online and whenever i am in town.
I have always enjoyed the chemistry between Johnny Vaughan and Denise Van Outen, so when she agreed to join him on the breakfast show in February this year i was pleased, but it didn't seem right. So i checked out her Numerology, and my suspicions were confirmed. On her 34th birthday on 27th May 2008 she entered a Numerology Personal Year 6. This hails the start of a twelve month period where what matters is home and family - who she lives with, where she lives and how she lives - not work, money and career. No surprise over here then when on 29th July she announced she was quitting, while only mid way through her contract. You know, i would n't be surprised if there wasn't even more to it than that - moving house, marriage, babies? Time will tell, but either way, the moral of the tale is that timing is everything, and sometimes there are things more important than work..

And so we're back...

...from Outer Space, Hyperspace, Inner Space and of course from excessive mincing around on t'internet.
Posts will be more frequent from now on (words to regret?) so lets begin with this absurdity.
Do i need to revise my views about the female of the species being the saviours of the planet? Or is it just the Femail of the species that's the problem?