Monday, September 08, 2008

The New Priesthood

Science. Witchcraft with clipboards.
Those were the words i heard at the weekend and they stayed with me, because this week the New Priesthood - scientists - are getting serious.
On Wednesday the Large Hadron Collider at CERN will be switched on in a attempt to recreate the conditions that existed at the very beginning of the universe, and to prove the existence or otherwise of God.
That's it then, hail science, the all conquering new religion. Full of certainty, full of predictability.
My arse.
The last time i had an argument about science versus mysticism i was confronted with the words ' I don't believe in psychics, i believe in science.' The person that said this failed to recognise the total contradiction of their own words.
Belief is the enemy here. Scientists have begun to believe their own hype and people just follow blindly the words 'proof' in the same way their ancestors followed the word 'holy'.
It'll all end in tears. But not this week. The experiment will prove nothing, and show nothing, but the ritual will be observed by many across the globe, including those who fear the results.
How is that anything other than a religion?

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