Thursday, February 05, 2009


Already some of the media are asking the question - why does Britain grind to a standstill at the first sign of snow?
To answer that first ask people why they get up in the morning.
The most common answer will be 'because i have to, to pay the bills, to feed the family, all so I can do the same again tomorrow'. And there's the problem. The man that orders the grit isn't really interested, he just does what he has to do. Same for the councillor that decides the amount of money to be spent on grit, same for the driver of the spreader, same for the manager of the driver of the spreader. Same for the manufacturer of tyres and the builders of roads. They are not interested. They would rather be doing something else.
OK, there are exceptions, but they prove the rule.
Britain grinds to a halt in the snow because it can.

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