Monday, April 20, 2009

2012 - proof at last?

My views on 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar, Ascension and the End of The World are well known. It's all crap. Or is it?

Todays newspaper article (here) seems to link 2012 to something more tangible - the sunspot cycle. Can it be true?

The problem with End Times theories is laid out in detail in my book A New Day, but suffice to say there have been many near misses. I have a book called 'Judgement of Jupiter' on my shelves which predicts doom , gloom and disaster in the year 1982. I remember very well the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and 2000 that came to nothing, plus of course the Millenium Bug.

The old world has already ended. It happened on Sept 11th 2001. Nothing has been the same since. I still doubt whether 2012 will deliver much to write home about.

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